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(1) 生产高科技产品,尤其是IT类产品
(2) 以生产消费品为主而不是提供服务
(3) 在行业内处于领先地位
公司 产品经理职责
西门子 l Make requested features, achievable price level, market positioning and value proposition.
l Translate market requirements into product requirements.
l Manage the complete life cycle of the products.
l Perform short-term and long-term product planning.
l Define product/solution strategy including the roadmap
飞利浦 l Responsible to translate the market and consumer requirements into value propositions and detailed product specifications. Check input specifications on completeness and, if necessary, to complete the specification to achieve distinctness and acceptation.
l ·In general the program manager will be responsible for preparation until the start of a project, from where the product manager will take over
l ·After project start, the product manager is responsible for communication with the regions on product specification
l ·Responsible for introduction packages and project status throughout the organization
·Have a close working relation with the sales regions, production and development departments and take share in the responsibility for a smoothly running data and supply chain
l ·Supply product and application know how to the sales force
l ·Executing technical benchmark studies
爱立信 l To co-ordinate with BU product management for product issues
l Product introduction and phase out
l To define and implement the product management routine for Enterprise China for relation products.
l To be responsible for sales training and sales support to BEC,AM and partners
l To support account manager to handle the products for partners
l To support sales and partners to reach the product sales target
l To develop competence for new product continually
雅虎中国 1、 负责研究用户行为习惯,提升产品的易用性和使用
2、 负责横向部门间的联络、协调和驱动(研发、UI设计、市场及商业合作)
微软 l Product Knowledge & Evangelism. Be the internal and external spokesperson for Information Worker products (Office System)
l Market, Competitive, and Customer Analysis & Strategy Development. Work with the market intelligence manager to continuously monitor, analyze and update Microsoft perspectives on the market, competitors, & customers as they relate to specific product(s) areas of responsibility.
l Orchestration and Leadership. Orchestrate subsidiary marketing and business execution around the relevant product(s).
l Marketing Delivery. Implement, track, and measure marketing tactics and programs for relevant product(s).
戴姆勒克莱斯勒 l Technical product management.
l Preparation, realization and afterworking of product synchronized discussions as well as monitoring dates and information about results.
l The technical product desires and requirements (related to the CG products) of the markets should be seized, analyzed, filtered, combined and evaluated.
l Definition/examination of country-specific product programs.
l Life cycle management.
l Compile strategic Life Cycle measures (changes of series, special equipment, model years, model care).
l Provide market analysis.
中通思普 l Report to the Product Line Manager and work with the sales, engineering, professional services, tech support teams to identify the direction for current products and services.
l The Product Manager is responsible for the setting the overall priorities and requirements of the product line.
l Using primary and secondary market research, prior experience, industry contacts, and feedback from the sales or other organizations, customers, the Product Manager identifies and formally describes the products the company should engage its resources to develop.
l He or she must be able to accurately capture and describe the market the product address, its size and potential, key competitors, and provide an educated forecast as to the direction the market will take.
l The Product Manager then describes the product(s) that will address this market and its required attributes including availability, form factor, price, functionality, and evolution to meet changing market requirements.
works l 作为产品经理,全权负责公司的小型休闲游戏产品系列。
l 与公司其他部门紧密合作,全权负责组建和管理由公司技术部门、市场部门、内容部门的人力组织起来的综合产品小组。
l 与市场总监合作,负责带领小组进行市场调研、产品选型、详细商业模式设计、详细的产品设计,制定并监督执行市场计划,完成既定的运营目标。
l 与技术总监合作,制定具体的时间表,管理和监督具体的产品开发,设计制作网站和后台系统,并负责产品测试和上线运营维护。
l 监督后期的产品运营、客服和产品改进。 直接向中国区游戏总监汇报。
(实达网络) 1. 关注网络技术中网络安全产品的发展,对我司产品进行技术概念的包装;
2. 为销售队伍和售前队伍提供必要的销售和指导,引导产品的正确销售;
3. 客户推荐方案的设计以及售前相关方案的审核;
4. 相关具体实施方案的设计和实施过程监控;
5. 销售、售前人员的相关培训。
1. 市场分析
2. 产品策划和维护
4. 产品营销
2.负责销售、售前人员的相关培训, 为销售队伍和售前队伍提供必要的销售和指导(星网锐捷)
3. 监督后期的产品运营、客服和产品改进(Realnetworks)

上一篇:产品经理须具有系统营销观念 下一篇:产品经理的定位与职责

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