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供应链管理是集成从最终用户到最初供应商的商业流程,以向客户以及其他相关者提供产品、服务、信息,达到增值的目的。这个定义被“全球供应链论坛”采用,也被英国Cranfield University、美国Ohio State University等大学的一些教授采用。这些大学都是英美研究供应链管理的权威机构。“全球供应链论坛”就是由Ohio State University的教授们建立。原文如下:
Supply chain management is the integration of key business processes from end user through original suppliers, that provides products, services, and information that add value for customers and other stakeholders (Lambert and Cooper, 2000。这两名教授都是Ohio State University的)。
这个定义由两个教授在1990年的一篇文章中提出:Lisa Ellram和 Martha Cooper。当时Lisa Ellram在Ohio State University读博士,Martha Cooper要么也在读博士,要么在任教。笔者在亚利桑那州立大学时曾为Lisa Ellram做研究助理。这个定义从整体上讲与定义1是相通的。原文如下:
Supply chain management (SCM) is an integrative philosophy to manage the total flow of a distribution channel from the supplier to the ultimate user(Ellram and Cooper, 1990)。
供应链管理是合作伙伴们在设计、实施和管理致密无缝的增值过程中的协作,以满足最终客户的具体需求,其成功取决于对人力、技术资源的开发和集成,以及对物料、信息和资金流的协同管理。这个定义是由两位Brigham Young University的教授(Fawcett和Magnan)于2001年提出,可在他们为高级采购研究中心(CAPS Research,)作的研究报告中查到。原文如下:
SCM is the collaborative effort of multiple channel members to design, implement, and manage seamless value-added processes to meet real needs of the end customer. The development and integration of people and technological resources as well as the coordinated management of materials, information, and financial flows underlie successful supply chain management.
供应链管理是对公司内部以及供应链中的传统职能和手段的系统、战略性的协调,以提高具体公司以及供应链伙伴的长远绩效。这个定义由University of Tennessee的Mentzer教授等人于2001年提出,原文如下:
SCM is the systemic, strategic coordination of the traditional business functions and the tactics across these business functions within a particular company and across businesses within the supply chain, for the purpose of improving the long-term performance of the individual companies and the supply chain as a whole.